
ball machine



NaWi: Schlange des Pharao

Anleitung/Video, 20g Puderzucker, 5g Backpulver, Sand, Ethanol
W https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_snake_(firework)


Famous inventions

1897, Bild: Cardiff Council Flat Holm Project

1) Choose and research a famous invention and its inventor.
Keep it short and easy to understand, so you can present it to the other students.

2) Please write down any vocabulary that you don’t know, and ask your classmates if they would have known after your presentation.

A Chromebook, pen and paper (You can use the backside of this worksheet!).
You can use simple.wikipedia.org, but keep in mind that the simple English Wikipedia often neglects details about inventors and dates.

Example topics:
The Telephone, the light bulb, the airplane, the printing press, the mobile phone.

Describe the invention and mention when it was invented. Briefly describe in your own words how it works. Write about its inventor(s) (Name, when and where he lived, what they did). Explain what impact the invention had on society, and if the invention is still the same today.


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Example: The Telephone

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. It allowed people to communicate over long distances by sending voice signals through wires. The invention works by converting sound (your voice) into electrical signals that travel through a wire and are then converted back into sound on the other end.

Alexander Graham Bell was born in 1847 in Scotland and later moved to the United States. He was an inventor and scientist who worked on communication devices.

The telephone had a huge impact on society, as it revolutionized the way people communicated, making it faster and easier to stay in touch over long distances. Today, telephones are much more advanced, using digital signals and wireless technology, but the basic idea of voice communication remains the same.


Wasser, Spannung, PFAS

Wasser: Oberflächenspannung

J. füllt W. mit M. Bild: M.
Wasserläufer, Bild: (Public Domain / Wikimedia)
Wasserabweisende Oberfläche. Bild: Michael Apel

Wasser auf verschiedenen Öberflächen, Link

Ein Wassertropfen breitet sich auf einer Textil-Oberfläche leicht aus aber geht nicht hindurch. Bild: Brocken Inaglory
Ein Trocken-Nass-Sortierapparat. Bild: Donovan Govan.

resistant shirt

Hydrophobic surfaces, microscope images
1 https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Different-superhydrophobic-surfaces-as-revealed-by-electron-microscope-photographs-In_fig6_5659738
2 https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-water-drop-on-a-very-hot-solid-here-steel-at-300-8-C-levitates-owing-to-the-presence_fig2_5659738

PFAS, Körper https://www.businessinsider.com/pfas-forever-chemicals-takeout-boxes-linked-to-liver-disease-risk-2022-5

Asbest, Bild 3 https://www.anstageslicht.de/themen/gesundheit/asbest-ein-krimi-mit-millionen-von-toten-seit-120-jahren-bis-heute/asbest-die-4-toedlichen-schadensbilder

PFAS, in: https://images.app.goo.gl/YmSYi23aXPxdyhR59

Büroklammer/Wasser zur Erinnerung
Wasser im Sieb?
PFAS und andere Materialien